Workers at DPI Group Deserve Respect

Dignity at DPI is a campaign of DPI workers organizing a union with SEIU Local 49. We are hundreds of janitors, security workers, and community members, united in the belief that all workers—regardless of disability, race, gender, immigration status, or age—deserve respect at work.

As DPI workers, we are organizing a union with SEIU 49, Oregon’s union of property service workers, to ensure that we have dignity in our jobs at DPI. As community members, fellow janitors and security officers, and supporters, we will stand side-by-side with DPI workers in their fight.

A recent statement by DPI affiliate Northwest Success, Inc. questioned whether its employees had the “capacity” to make choices for themselves. Are DePaul Industries and other DPI Group, Inc. affiliates living up to their charitable mission? If so, how much does the DPI Group respect its employees with disabilities?

Dignity at DPI

Dignity at DPI is a campaign of DPI workers organizing a union wit SEIU Local 49, Oregon’s union of property service workers. We are hundreds of janitors, security workers, and community members, united in the belief that all workers—regardless of disability, race, gender, immigration status, or age—deserve respect at work. 

As DPI workers, we are organizing a union with SEIU 49, Oregon’s union of property service workers, to ensure that we have dignity in our jobs at DPI. As community members, fellow janitors and security officers, and supporters, we will stand side by side DPI workers in their fight.